Postgraduate Student Life @ CUHK
from Bosnia and Herzegovina
PhD in Laws
HKPFS Awardee

A Cut Above the Rest: Reaching New Heights with CUHK

When Tajra Smajic decided to pursue her Master’s in Law degree, she was looking for a uniquely international-focused programme that would expand her legal expertise. She was also hoping for warmer weather, having spent her Bachelor’s years studying in the cooler climate of the Netherlands.

“I really didn’t like the weather there, I wanted to go somewhere warm,” she smiles.

When an email arrived in her inbox one day inviting students to apply for a scholarship to The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Tajra decided to give it a go, after all, the procedure was easy enough.

What she didn’t realise was that she had just set herself on a course that would open her world to new possibilities, propelling her to new academic heights.

“Throughout my Bachelor’s, I wanted to broaden my horizons in many ways as I felt I was quite Eurocentric, I wanted to explore other parts of the world,” she said. “So, I applied, and when I received an offer for the scholarship it was a big surprise.”

The law student from Bosnia and Herzegovina then began to put Hong Kong and CUHK under a microscope. And the more she looked into it, the more she was convinced that she had made the right decision.

“I knew it was an opportunity that I couldn’t pass up,” she said. Despite being in the middle of a global pandemic, Tajra decided to brave one of the world’s strictest travel restrictions and jumped on a plane to come to Hong Kong.

Steadfast Support

This would become the critical moment when Tajra would discover that CUHK went far beyond the strength of its law curriculum. Aside from having English as its main language of instruction, it provided unwavering support for its international students.

“My vaccinations were not recognised, so I was returning from Istanbul back to Bosnia because I couldn’t reach Hong Kong. I was so sure that I would lose my scholarship,” she recalled. “But then the University staff promptly recorded all the lectures for me to watch within 24 hours. I couldn’t believe it. They were incredibly accommodating and flexible ensuring that I didn’t fall behind.”

That year, Tajra not only became one of three awardees for the CUHK Law’s Master of Laws Global Scholarship for outstanding non-local students. She was also the recipient of the Dean’s List Award for her exceptional academic results.


Tajra's postgraduate student life at CUHK has been remarkable: (left) participating in summer school in Genova, (centre) graduating with a Master of Laws in International Economic Law, and (right) having a summer internship at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea

She would also soon come to learn that this level of personalised attention carried on throughout her studies.

“Everything is just an email away,” she beamed. Impressed by the close relationships she built with the professors and fellow students, Tajra continued to receive invaluable guidance and mentorship. Trusting in this support, she went on to apply for the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS), as well as the Belt and Road Scholarship, to fund her later studies. With those in hand, the world became her oyster. She is now able to cover all her expenses while deep-diving into an area of research that intersects international law and the deep seabed mining industry – a passion of hers.

Flexibility to Explore – An Interdisciplinary Approach

“As far as I know, no one at the University was studying law on these sea topics,” she said.  But capitalising on the University’s emphasis on cross-disciplinary research, she was able to collaborate with scholars across different fields to enrich her understanding which opened up new avenues for her work.

“I received a lot of support and freedom to do research and my main supervisor was an expert in international law while my second supervisor was an expert in international investment and a world trade expert, I had the best of all worlds,” she shared.

Through this, Tajra was able to explore the deep seabed mining industry not just looking at the environmental issues around it, but also how to balance economic interests with the need to have a legal framework around that.

“CUHK’s interdisciplinary approach was a game-changer for me,” she adds, excitedly adding that a rich and accessible library, as well as a vibrant international community further fueled her academic journey.

“Honestly it’s a real advantage compared to other places,” she said.

Outside the classroom, Tajra enjoys discovering the vibrant life of Hong Kong through hiking, camping, attending classical music concerts, and exploring stunning rooftops.

Praising the University for its global outlook, flexible curriculum and unwavering support for students, Tajra says that this is what truly sets CUHK apart.

“Whether you’re looking to specialise in a niche field or simply want to broaden your horizons, CUHK is the perfect place to take your studies to new heights,” she remarked.
