Postgraduate Student Life @ CUHK
From Mongolia
LLM in Energy and Environmental Law

Inspired to Make Positive Change

Growing up in Mongolia, OTGONZUL Bold has been watched her family stoke their fires to heat their homes and cook their meals. From an early age, she understood the importance of energy.

“I remember when I was little, the electricity in our home was not constant, it got cut from time to time. We still spend a lot of time using fires to heat our houses today, even after 20 years,” she explained.

As Bold grew up, she also came to learn of the darker side of this way of heating.

“Ulaanbaatar is the capital of Mongolia, and as one of the most air-polluted cities in the world, there are a lot of health issues and problems. Heating is a major issue, and this gave me the most inspiration to pursue my studies in this area,” she said.

A desire for change

With a keen interest in understanding various global issues such as the environment, climate change and greenhouse gas emissions as well as its sources and the international frameworks that can help resolve these issues, she decided to embark on her undergraduate studies in international relations.

“I wanted to understand how diplomacy, international, public and international private law can contribute to solving these global issues,” she said.

Eventually, she landed a job at a mining construction company in Mongolia, which grew her understanding of the relationship between environmental law and energy infrastructure. That was when she knew she had to pursue further studies in both areas.

“I was interested in international law, and I was also interested in energy, but where could I find a programme that would link up both areas?” she said. After some research, she came across CUHK’s Master of Laws (LLM) in Energy and Environmental Law, and she felt the calling.

“I finally found this programme at CUHK, and it was one of those programmes that brought together these two important topics. But I wasn’t confident at the time because CUHK’s ranking was quite high and I would need a scholarship.”

A life-changing experience

However, this did not deter Bold from applying. She overcame her doubts and decided to shoot for the programme as well as a scholarship. Much to her surprise, Bold got accepted into the one-year programme which she said has changed her life.

“While I was studying there, I was inspired by the lectures and the insightfulness of the content and topics that I was studying,” she said.

She applauds the University for its outstanding teaching and for all the networks and friendships that she has made. All have helped fuel her passions and give her the confidence to pursue a career path in academia.

“Now I’m 100% sure that I want to pursue an academic career in the future, and I’m so thankful to CUHK for all the inspirations that confidently led me to this path,” she said.

A cut above the rest

Firstly, she said that CUHK has provided her with the best academic experience coupled with outstanding resources supported by professors who excel in their respective fields. Furthermore, applicants keen to focus their studies on Asia will find the University has a distinct advantage because of its prime location.

“These will greatly help you extend your networking and connections and you’ll meet new people who can give you valuable career advice or even help you find a job,” she said.

Secondly, she said that CUHK also provides many opportunities and access through scholarships and financial support, so financial considerations shouldn’t be a deterrent.

“I advise anyone considering studying at CUHK to look for scholarships and other financial aid from the faculties they are applying for,” she said.  “If you’re considering a PhD, you don’t need to worry about your financial situation, and CUHK is one of the universities that really invites applicants to try for the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS).”

Lastly, Bold said that CUHK delivers an exceptional overseas studying experience. Not only is the international spirit of the University conducive towards growing a personal network, but it has also opened so many new doors for her.

“New friends give a lot of excitement, and they help you refresh your brain, your thoughts and ideas which can be very efficient for your academic study,” she said.  She also added that Hong Kong is a vibrant place where you can try out many new experiences.

For Bold, she said one of her most unforgettable experiences at CUHK was the time when she was invited to try some water sports.

“It was the first time that I tried surfing, because Mongolia is a landlocked country, I didn’t have any experience in surfing,” she beamed. “Surfing was a whole new experience for me and perhaps one of the most memorable ones from my time at CUHK and in my life.”
