Postgraduate Student Life @ CUHK
from Thailand
PhD in Marketing
HKPFS Awardee

From Hometown to Global Marketplace: A student’s exciting Journey to a Marketing Degree Abroad

When asked about his decision to pursue a PhD in Marketing at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Wee CHAIMANOWONG, a student from Thailand, found it hard to pinpoint a single reason.

“Believe me, there are countless reasons why I chose CUHK,” he chuckled. “But if I had to narrow it down, I’d say there are three main factors.”


Hong Kong As An Ideal Launchpad

First and foremost, Hong Kong’s strategic location and CUHK’s fantastic campus with affordable housing make it an ideal launchpad for Asian students looking to kickstart their academic journeys in the city.

“Compared to other Asian countries, Hong Kong has a better international outlook,” Wee explained, eyes lighting up. Being here has connected him to a thriving global research community, and CUHK’s robust global network has provided him with unparalleled opportunities in the field of business.


Abundance of Exposure and Experience

And it doesn’t stop there!

Another reason that Wee chose CUHK is that it offers students an abundance of industry experience. Wee discovered his passion for business while working as a research assistant in Australia. Despite his background in mathematical physics, he realised he wanted to pursue postgraduate studies and specialise in business. Thanks to a professor at CUHK who invited him to work closely, Wee was able to fine-tune his interests and set his sights on a PhD in marketing.

“The business school offers a wide range of fascinating research ideas,” he said. “They even sponsored me to attend conferences, allowing me to explore what’s happening out there in the business world.”


World Class Education with Global Outlook

Since 1963, CUHK Business School has been famous for its business education with leadership and innovation being its central tenets. The School offers BBA, MBA and EMBA programmes which aim to foster business school students’ education and exposure and to help create value for China and the world by fueling the development of global business.

The cherry on top of these all is that Asia continues to be a hotbed for business opportunities. Wee found that CUHK was the perfect springboard for a successful career with its focus on industry-oriented opportunities like internships. As he gears up for an upcoming internship, Wee credits his professor for helping carve out this valuable opportunity.

“One of the reasons I chose CUHK Business School was to gain industry experience,” he shared enthusiastically. “This internship aligns perfectly with my goals, and it was my professor who recommended it to me. It’s a fantastic chance to blend practical work with academic pursuits.”

While academia holds its importance, Wee stressed the significance of hands-on experience during the PhD journey. Through practical exposure, students can tackle real-world problems head-on.


An Exciting Place to Learn

But that’s not all, Wee was also impressed by the warm and friendly atmosphere at CUHK where incredible diversity thrives and everyone is eager to give a helping hand. The University continually inspires him to embrace new knowledge and grapple with a plethora of diverse topics, keeping him on his toes.

“I’ve encountered unexpected subjects like information theory, computer science and even delved into areas of mathematics like statistical processes that I hadn’t explored during my mathematical physics days,” Wee shared with enthusiasm.

With great excitement, Wee revealed an upcoming research project that involves statistical modelling to understand how people make purchasing decisions and develop optimal strategies for businesses to influence buyers.

“These topics are absolutely thrilling to work on,” he exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.


Taking the first step towards a Bright Future

Based on his incredible experiences at CUHK, Wee encouraged his fellow Thai students to consider applying to CUHK. He also offered two valuable pieces of advice: first, explore the scholarship options available, as there are plenty. Second, delve into the professors’ expertise and find mentors who align with your interests.

“Finding a mentor professor in your area of interest is crucial,” Wee advised. “CUHK opens doors to academic employment at business schools and connects you to the business industry. It’s definitely worth a shot!”

With Wee’s inspiring journey as a testament, CUHK beckons aspiring students to embark on an extraordinary adventure where academic excellence and real-world opportunities intertwine in the vibrant city of Hong Kong.
