Degree Conferment Dates in a Calendar Year – Students Graduating from 2024-25 and onwards

Degree Conferment Dates in a Calendar Year, with effect from 2021-22

Pursuant to the arrangement to decouple degree conferment from University’s Congregation, the University shall confer on eligible students’ degrees upon fulfilment of graduation requirements on three specified dates in a calendar year namely, 31 March, 31 July, and 15 October.


Graduation Certificate Issuance

For degrees conferred on 31 March and 31 July, the dates printed on the degree certificates will be the corresponding degree conferment dates. For degrees conferred on 15 October, graduates will be given two options regarding the date to be printed on their degree certificates: (i) 15 October; (ii) 15 November. 


Students will be individually notified by email about the collection arrangements. Also, details will be posted on the GSO website nearer the time.


Graduation Assessment: Requirements and Timeline

As the degrees will be conferred after the completion of the graduation assessment, students are reminded to plan their studies carefully and to fulfill all graduation requirements by the end of the specified academic term. Students should proactively follow up with the course teachers concerned for any pending grades after the grade release date. For students with pending grades, outstanding credit and unit exemption applications, unresolved disciplinary matters, etc. at the end of the graduation-assessment period, their degree conferment will be postponed to the next degree conferment date.


Research postgraduate and taught doctoral students should also observe the timeline for declaring intention to submit a thesis (i.e. at least four months ahead of time of submission) and deadline of thesis (first draft) submission. In particular, students are required to submit the final thesis before the deadline as stipulated below.


Degree Conferment Date

31 March

31 July

15 October

Deadline for submitting final thesis to GSO

28 February

30 June

31 August


Nearest Degree Conferment Date as Default Date 

Following the University’s degree conferment arrangement, once a student has satisfied all graduation requirements the nearest degree conferment date in the year concerned will be taken as the default degree conferment date.


Students’ graduation certificates will be dated the corresponding degree conferment dates. For degrees conferred on 15 October, students can choose either 15 October or 15 November as the date to be printed on their graduation certificates.


Default Degree Conferment Date (New) 

To ensure students are informed of the degree conferment dates well in advance, Graduate School and its Divisions will make sure that the programme-specific default degree conferment date will be announced to students in advance.


Application for Changing the Default Degree Conferment Date (New) 

While students should follow the default degree conferment dates, students who have fulfilled the graduation requirements and with strong justifications may apply for a one-off change to a different degree conferment date of the University within the same academic year. An administrative fee will be charged for such applications. Students concerned will be informed of the details by email in due course.


Award Certificate Collection

Award certificates and e-certificates will only be available after the respective degree conferment dates.  For instance, for students whose degree is to be conferred on 31 July 2025, their degree certificates will be ready for collection in-person from the Graduate School and available in the e-Certificate System from 8 August 2025 onwards.  Graduates who wish to use the e-certificate service, please visit the website on e-Certification System. An email regarding the arrangement for collection of graduate certificates will be announced to the respective graduates in due course. The announcement will also be posted on the General Announcements of the GSO’s website.


If you have further enquiries on the subject, please contact the Graduate School Office.